Sunday, January 31, 2016

Finding my Hobby

Hey everyone!! I still have yet to decide what my blog is about.. I guess it's just going to be about what I've been up to for now!

So lately I've been thinking about what my hobbies are. In the past whenever I was asked what my hobbies were I couldn't really think of anything but...watching TV I guess? Which really sounds like I got nothing going on in my life haha! So this past month I wanted to focus on finding what I really like to do.

Here's the thing, I like sewing. I can like sew basic stuff like pillows and baby blankets but I am not motivated enough to sew as often as I want to so it's kind of like a half hobby I don't have to be committed to. But I really wanted to find something that I would love doing.

Now here's a list of things that I've started doing thanks to school and a Christmas present my husband got me: skiing and photography!

Skiing is so fun to learn! It's something that at first I thought was going to be super frustrating but it really is like learning how to ride a bike. As my instructor who is in their 50's said, "once you've learned you pretty much remember how to do it till you're old", which is great! This hobby is something that I'd love to do with my future kids!

Tanner and I at Sundance

Photography is my husband's thing so when I asked for a camera for Christmas I knew it was something that he would like too. So I got the Canon Rebel T5 for Christmas and so far I've learned a lot of things about taking pretty pictures and lighting. I love taking pictures of the beautiful Utah but I've recently found that taking pictures of people is what I'm better at! Here are some of the pictures I took yesterday of my friend Erica, she's stunning!!!

One of my favorites!

I got crazy with editing as you can tell
Erica was such a good sport for putting up with freezing snow!! It's not on this but she was nice enough to walk on snow barefoot!

I'll post the rest of the pics later!!!

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